From the year 2010, “Magic Clean” actively finds an opportunity to participle in joining voluntary and making the donation to the community, in order to help and improve the health environment and hygiene using our professionals. At the same year, we have taken part in some activities with NGO, including “Voluntary visiting with the elderly” and“Donating the cold materials to those who live alone”.

From the year 2011, we also discuss with NGO to hold on“Disinfection with Community Campaign” due to the most prosperous period of flu. Not only we can raise the awareness of the important of caring environment and hygiene, but also we can have the opportunity to serve the citizens and reward for the society using our professionals.

Through different voluntary services, the staff of our company can learn extra knowledge which cannot be learned from books. It is given them a major brainstorming to their presence and future, they will know and understand all they have owned is not inevitable!

As time goes on, the management of Magic Clean acknowledges we have taken part in more voluntary activities to reward the society and make our dream come true. For the future, we will continue to join in different voluntary activities or campaigns, we hope all our staff will understand the meaning of“It is more blessed to give than to receive”.

0 Volunteer Time
0 No. of benefit people
0 Volunteer Members
0 Total Volunteer Activities

Eighteen consecutive years to award 「Caring Company Logo」by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2006 to 2024

Award “Happy Company 2016 Logo” by The Hong Kong Productivity Council and Promoting Happiness Index Foundation

Award “6th Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Award – SME Certificate of Merit” from Hong Kong Productivity Council in 2015

Got “Community Engagement – Excellence Award” from HSBC in 2011 to 2014

Magic Clean is an individual company, it does not the owner of any subsidiary bodies, it does not receive any sponsor by other oversea company. The aims of our community care jobs are mainly to divided into four part, including protecting our environment, continues developing task, assist the community to against the diseases and participles in the voluntary job.

Event Photos

Donate masks and anti-epidemic wet tissue to NGO in 2020

Join「EAP sharing of Caring SME Alliance」with NGO in 2016

Organize「The solitary elderly visit activity」with NGO in 2016

Organize「Job Shadowing within Ethnic Minorities Scheme」with NGO in 2015

Organize 2014 Anti-flu Influenza Volunteer Disinfection Activity with NGO in 2014

The Elderly Visit Activity in 2013